Getting started
Add the package to your project
Using NPM:
npm install @digitalpersona/devices
Using Yarn:
yarn add @digitalpersona/devices
Add a DigitalPersona WebSdk JavaScript library
The WebSdk should be added to your web site, and a reference to it should be added into your HTML page:
<script src="modules/websdk/index.js"></script>
NOTE: The WebSdk library can be obtained either with the HID DigitalPersona Suite, HID DigitalPersona SDK, or copied from our sample
NOTE: The WebSkd library requires DigitalPersona Agent running on a client machine. This agent provides a secure communication channel between a browser and a fingerprint or card device driver. The DigitalPersona Agent is a part of a HID DigitalPersona Workstation. It can be also installed with a DigitalPersona Lite Client. If you expect your users do not use HID DigitalPersona Workstation, you may need to provide your users with a link to the Lite Client download, which you should show on a reader communication error:
<div class="reader-communication-error">
Cannot connect to you fingerprint device. Make sure the device is connected.
If you do not use DigitalPersona Workstation, you may need to download and install
<a href="https://crossmatch.hid.gl/lite-client">DigitalPersona Lite Client</a>.
Write some code
We recommend using Typescrypt or ES6 modules.
Using Components
For working examples see a “Bank of DigitalPersona” sample application.
Fingerprints Reader
Import needed types from the @digitalpersona/devices module, for example:
// NOTE: make sure you import only WebSdk typings here, not a WebSdk code!
// Also make sure this is not a NodeJS module. WebSdk is a browser-only library!
import './modules/WebSdk';
import { FingerprintReader, SampleFormat } from '@digitalpersona/devices';
class FingerprintSigninControl
private reader: FingerprintReader;
Create an instance of a FingerprintReader
class and subscribe to its events:
class FingerprintSigninControl
function init() {
this.reader = new FingerprintReader();
this.reader.on("DeviceConnected", this.onDeviceConnected);
this.reader.on("DeviceDisconnected", this.onDeviceDisconnected);
this.reader.on("QualityReported", this.onQualityReported);
this.reader.on("SamplesAcquired", this.onSamplesAcquired);
this.reader.on("ErrorOccurred", this.onReaderError);
// Event handlers.
private onDeviceConnected = (event) => { ... }
private onDeviceDisconnected = (event) => { ... };
private onQualityReported = (event) => { ... };
private onSamplesAcquired = (event) => { ... };
private onReaderError = (event) => { ... };
Note how we use arrow functions here for event handlers. Unlike regular methods, arrow functions allow correctly and effortlessly bind event handlers to the correct this
Start fingerprint acquisition:
class FingerprintSigninControl
function async init() {
try {
await this.reader.startAcquisition(SampleFormat.Intermediate);
} catch (err) {
When new samples are captured, send them to the server for identification (if user’s identity is not yet known) or authentication (if user’s identity is already known):
private onSamplesAcquired = (event: SamplesAcquired) =>
try {
const samples = event.samples;
const api = new FingerprintsAuth( <service endpoint URL> );
const token = await (
this.identity ?
api.authenticate(this.identity, samples):
catch (error) {
When finished the work, unsubscribe from events and cleanup:
class FingerprintSigninControl
function destroy() {
delete this.reader;
Card Reader
Import needed types from the @digitalpersona/devices module, for example:
// NOTE: make sure you import only WebSdk typings here, not a WebSdk code!
// Also make sure this is not a NodeJS module. WebSdk is a browser-only library!
import './modules/WebSdk';
import { CardsReader } from '@digitalpersona/devices';
class CardsSigninControl
private reader: CardsReader;
Create an instance of a CardsReader
class and subscribe to its events:
class CardsSigninControl
function init() {
this.reader = new CardsReader();
this.reader.on("DeviceConnected", this.onDeviceConnected);
this.reader.on("DeviceDisconnected", this.onDeviceDisconnected);
this.reader.on("CardInserted", this.onCardInserted);
this.reader.on("CardRemoved", this.onCardRemoved);
// Event handlers.
private onDeviceConnected = (event) => { ... }
private onDeviceDisconnected = (event) => { ... };
private onCardInserted = (event) => { ... };
private onCardRemoved = (event) => { ... };
Note how we use arrow functions here for event handlers. Unlike regular methods, arrow functions allow correctly and effortlessly bind event handlers to the correct this
Start listening for card events:
class CardsSigninControl
function init() {
try {
await this.reader.subscribe();
} catch (error) {
When a card is presented, first detect its type, then handle the card depending on a card type. For smartcards: prompt user to enter PIN and start authentication when PIN is entered. Contactless and proximity cards can be used for athentication immediately without entering any code:
class CardsSigninControl
private onCardInserted = (event: CardInserted) =>
try {
// get card type and other info
const card = await this.reader.getCardInfo(event.deviceId);
if (!card) return;
this.card = card;
switch (card.Type)
case CardType.Contact: {
const pin = await this.promptPIN();
const cardData = await this.reader.getCardAuthData(this.card.Reader, pin);
const api = new SmartCardAuth( <auth service endpoint URL> );
const token = await api.authenticate(this.identity, cardData);
case CardType.Contactless: {
const cardData = await this.reader.getCardAuthData(card.Reader);
const api = new ContactlessCardAuth( <auth service endpoint URL> );
const token = await (
this.identity ?
api.authenticate(this.identity, cardData) :
case CardType.Proximity: {
const cardData = await this.reader.getCardAuthData(card.Reader);
const api = new ProximityCardAuth( <auth service endpoint URL> );
const token = await (
this.identity ?
api.authenticate(this.identity, cardData) :
throw new Error('unknown card type')
catch (error) {
When finished the work, unsubscribe from events and cleanup:
class CardsSigninControl
function destroy() {
delete this.reader;