HID Global
Devices API for DigitalPersona Access Management API


DigitalPersona Access Management API (DPAM) is a suite of services and APIs helping you to accomplish typical access management tasks like user credential enrollment, identification, authentication, identity claims issuance, access policy management etc.

DigitalPersona Web SDK (DP WebSDK) is a Windows service and a user agent application running locally on a user device and providing access to authentication devices like fingerprint readers, smartcard readers etc. These devices are not directly accessible from Javascript running in a browser.

As a part of DPAM, the DigitalPersona Device Access API library [@digitalpersona/devices] provides Typescript/Javascript classes and functions allowing to communicate with authentication devices such as fingerprint readers and card readers from web browser. The secure communication channel is provided by DigitalPersona WebSDK agent.

External dependencies

The library requires:

The DigitalPersona Workstation provides a local Windows service and a user agent which communicate with the hardware and provide a secure messaging channel for Javascript running in a browser. The DigitalPersona WebSdk is a browser’s end of this channel.

NOTE: Currently WebSdk is provided either with the HID DigitalPersona Suite, or can be downloaded separately from the sample.

DEVELOPERS NOTE: Make sure you add the WebSdk library code into your web page only, using a script tag. A common mistake is to import the WebSdk code into your JS. You can do import only for typings.

To process fingerprint samples acquired using the @digitalpersona/devices (for enrollment and authentication), you should either use HID DigitalPersona Authentication Server together with @digitalpersona/enrollment and @digitalpersona/authentication libraries, or use your own fingerprint matching engine. Fingerprint samples are compatible with ANSI/ISO fingerprint template standards.


  • Evergreen browsers:
    • Chromium-based
    • Firefox
    • Edge
  • Legacy browsers (shims required):
    • IE11

The library is distributed in following forms:

  • TypeScript (code and typings)
  • transpiled ES5 (unbundled and bundled UMD module)
  • transpiled ES6 (unbundled and bundled UMD module)

Browser support

The library uses ES6 Promise API for asynchronous calls. If it is used in older browsers, you have to provide a “shim” adding the Promise API to your target browser.

The library uses the DigitalPersona WebSDK library. You must include the library into your application script list:

     <script type="text/javascript" src="websdk/websdk.client.ui.min.js"></script>

The library uses websocket browser API for streaming authentication data and messages. Browsers not supporting WebSocker Standard RFC 6455 are not supported.

Node JS support

This library does not support Node JS.

Additional documentation