HID Global
JavaScript Web Service Clients for DigitalPersona Access Management


DigitalPersona Access Management (DPAM) is a suite of services and APIs helping you to accomplish typical access management tasks like user credential enrollment, identification, authentication, identity claims issuance, access policy management etc.

As a part of DPAM this Typescript/Javascript library provides clients for the following DPAM services.

  • Authentication Service client (DPWebAuth)
  • Policy Service client (DPWebPolicies)
  • Claims Service client (DPWebClaims)
  • Enrollment Service client (DPWebEnroll)
  • Secrets Service client (DPWebSecrets)


  • Evergreen browsers:
    • Chromium-based
    • Firefox
    • Edge
  • Legacy browsers (shims required):
    • IE11
  • Node JS (shims required).

This library is distributed in the following forms:

  • TypeScript (code and typings)
  • transpiled ES5 (unbundled and bundled UMD module)
  • transpiled ES6 (unbundled and bundled UMD module)

Browser support

The library uses an ES6 Promise API for asynchronous calls. If it is used in older browsers, you have to provide a “shim” adding the Promise API to your target browser.

The library uses an ES6 fetch API for the HTTP connection. If it is used in older browsers, you have to provide a “shim” adding the fetch API to your target browser.

Node JS support

Node JS requires a “shim” for atob and btoa functions, for example:

const base64 = require('base-64');
global.btoa = function(s) { return base64.encode(s); }
global.atob = function(s) { return base64.decode(s); }

Additional documentation