HID Global
Bank of DigitalPersona for DigitalPersona Access Management API


The FaceCaptureControl is a composite AngularJS component which captures video stream from a camera, looks for face-like features and automatically makes several snapshots to be used as biometric samples.

Source code


The FaceCaptureControl has following API:


  • sampleCount: number - a number of samples to make to complete the capture
  • sampleInterval: number - a minimum time in milliseconds between two samples
  • maxDetectionTime: number - a maximum time to wait for a face detection; when exceeded, the capturing mode cancels
  • minScore: number - a minimum score (0..1) to make a sample eligible to be collected
  • capturing: boolean - a two-way property; true when the capture mode is active; false otherwise.


  • onStart: () => void - fires when the control entered a capturing mode
  • onStop: () => void - fires when the control exited a capturing mode
  • onCaptured: ({samples: BioSample[]}) => void - fires when the control collected sampleCount samples scored not less than the minScore; the samples are passed as an array of BioSamples stored in the samples property of the event parameter object
  • onError: ({error?: Error }) => void; - fires when the control experienced any error; the error details are passed in the error property of the event parameter object

Usage example




// NOTE: needs a webpack to support such import of HTML template; otherwise use inline template or any other means
import template from './faceAuth.html';

import { Credential, BioSample } from '@digitalpersona/core';

class FaceAuthControl
    public static readonly Component: IComponentOptions = {
        controller: FaceAuthControl,

    // binds to the `capturing` attribute of the <face-capture> element
    private capturing: boolean = false;

    // binds to the `on-start` event of the <face-capture> element
    private handleStartCapture() { ... }

    // binds to the `on-stop` event of the <face-capture> element
    private handleStopCapture() { ... }

    // binds to the `on-error` event of the <face-capture> element
    private handleCaptureError(error: Error) { ... }

    // binds to the `on-captured` event of the <face-capture> element
    private async handleCaptured(samples: BioSample[]) { ... }

Internal details

The FaceCaptureControl relies on following technologoes:

  • browser’s native Media Capture and Streams API - to open a video stream from a video camera and capture snapshots
  • face-api.js – a third-party library by Vincent Mühler, used for a preliminary face detection and quality scoring on a browser side before sending samples to the server for processing with a full face recognition engine.

Control template

The control HTML tempalte consists of two major elements in a root <div>:

    <video muted ...></video>
    <canvas ...></canvas>

The <video> element in the control template allows users to see their own face and position properly. The <canvas> element in the control template is overlayed on the <video> element and allows to draw a face region and progress feedback right over the video output.

Control behavior

When the FaceCaptureControl is initialized ($onInit), it loads the face-api.js detector model and resets itself to start in a non-capturing mode.

When the FaceCaptureControlis loaded into a page and linked with its HTML element ($postLink), it creates references to <video> and <canvas> elements embedded into the control template, and then sets up an event handler to process incoming video frames.

To start the capturing mode, either call the startCapture method, or set the capturing property to true. When capturing is starting, the control will try to find and open a camera using a navigator.mediaDevices, and bind the camera stream output with the <video> element, so users are able to see their own face and position properly. When video capture is started, a onStart event will be fired.

When in capturing mode, each video frame is sent to the handleNextFrame event handler that was set up in the $postLink method. The handler first checks if the capture is still on and not paused, and the frame should be skipped. Then it checks if the maxDetectionTime was exceeded without a single detection, and cancels the capture mode if so. Then it passes the frame through the face detector provided by the face-api.js library.

If there are more than one face is detected, the capture stops with a “Too many faces” error.

When one and only one face is detected, the control uses the <canvas> element to draw an a face detection overlay, in a form of circle focused on the face and shaded outside of the face, and an arc around the circle area growing with each sample taken, to give users a sense of progress. See drawFaceBoundaries method.

If a detection score of the face is not less than the minScore, the snapshots will be collected as a new sample, given that previous sample was collected not earlier than sampleInterval milliseconds ago; this sampling interval allows to collect samples in slightly different positions.

When sampleCount samples are collected, The capture stops, firing an onStopCapture event, and an onCaptured event is fired with an array of collected samples. At this point the application can send the face samples to the server for enrollment or authentication.