As a part of DPAM, the Bank of DigitalPersona sample application shows typical usage scenarios of the DigitalPersona Access Management API, such as:
- Creating and deleting user accounts.
- Enrolling and modifying user credentials, such as passwords, fingerprints, cards, facial, FIDO (U2F) tokens, One-Time Passwords and PINs.
- Multi-factor authentication (MFA) with enrolled credentials, driven by logon policies configured on the server.
This sample application uses a NodeJS backend and and AngularJS frontend, but DPAM APIs are vanilla Typescript/Javascript libraries and will work with any JS framework.
The “Bank of DigitalPersona” sample application is licensed under the MIT license.
Copyright (c) 2019 HID Global, Inc.
Known issues and limitations
The sample does not auto-refresh an authenticated user’s token. Some operations require a fresh token, and they will start returning “Token possibly expired” error about 10 minutes after sign in. Users must refresh their tokens by signing out and then signign back in.
Microsoft Edge 40 (EdgeHTML 15.15063) has an issue with CORS (Cross-Origin Request Security) in XHR/Fetch requests, causing a “Fetch failed” or “Network request failed” error. See more details here.
IE11 requires following polyfills:
- fetch
- Object.assign
- String.prototype.endsWith
- Array.prototype.findIndex
- Array.prototype.includes
- Symbol
- TextEncoder/TextDecoder
One of possible methods is to add a following script to your page:
<script src="https://polyfill.io/v3/polyfill.min.js?features=Symbol%2Cfetch%2CString.prototype.endsWith%2CObject.assign%2CArray.prototype.findIndex%2CArray.prototype.includes"></script>
Also see index.html for the TextEncoder
IE11 does not support WebRTC, so face recogintion in IE11 requires a polyfill for the
API which uses Adobe Flash as a fallback. -
IE11 does not support U2F.
The Bank of DigitalPersona sample application uses the following third-party libraries:
Business logic:
- Client-side facial recognition: face-api.js by Vincent Mühler
- QR Code generator for OTP: qrcode-generator by Kazuhiko Arase
Server infrastructure:
- Web server: NodeJS by Joyent
- A
shim for NodeJS: node-fetch by David Frank - A base64 encoding for NodeJS: base-64 by Mathias Bynens
- Windows Certificate Store access for NodeJS: win-ca by Stas Ukolov
Frontend infrastructure:
- Web UI framework: AngularJS 1.7 by Google
- Localization framework: angular-translate by Pascal Precht
- Styles: Bootstrap 3.3 by Twitter
- UI Components: angular-ui-bootstrap by AngularUI Team
Development tools
- Main language: Typescript by Microsoft
- Javascript bundling: Webpack by Tobias Koppers, JS Foundation and other contributors