HID Global
Core API for DigitalPersona Access Management API


DigitalPersona Access Management API (DPAM) is a suite of services and APIs helping you to accomplish typical access management tasks like user credential enrollment, identification, authentication, identity claims issuance, access policy management etc.

As a part of DPAM, the DigitalPersona Web Access Core API library [@digitalpersona/core] provides Typescript/Javascript classes and functions shared by other DPAM APIs, such as

The library consists of these major parts:

  • Encoders to convert data between different formats (UTF8, UTF16, Base64, Base64Url, Base32)
  • A base Credential type and derived classes for all supported credentials
  • JSON Web Token utilities and a list of supported claims
  • A UserName class with support for different user name types (SAM, UPN, GUID etc)
  • A BioSample class and supporting utilities for biometric data transfer
  • URL utilities


  • Evergreen browsers:
    • Chromium-based
    • Firefox
    • Edge
  • Legacy browsers (shims required):
    • IE11
  • Node JS (shims required).

The library is distributed in following forms:

  • TypeScript (code and typings)
  • transpiled ES5 (unbundled and bundled UMD module)
  • transpiled ES6 (unbundled and bundled UMD module)

Browser support

No special requirements.

Node JS support

Node JS requires a “shim” for atob and btoa functions, for example:

const base64 = require('base-64');
global.btoa = function(s) { return base64.encode(s); }
global.atob = function(s) { return base64.decode(s); }

Additional documentation